Skins Season 6 RUMORS

We have some fresh and good rumors about the new season of Skins.

On October 27th, executive producer Brian Elsey confirmed that the new character is an American exchange student played by an unrevealed rookie actor. He also stated that “this series will be pushing limits like we’ve never done before” emphasizing the prevalence the themes of homosexuality and disease.It has been confirmed that the first episode of the series will feature the whole cast, respectively titled, “Everyone”, along with the 10th and last episode of the series. Rich will have the 2nd episode, Franky will have the 4th episode, Mini will have the 5th episode, Nick will have the 6th episode, Alo will have the 7th episode, Liv will have the 8th episode and Grace will have the 9th episode. Matty will be the only character this series to not have a featured episode. The new character will have the 3rd episode.
